Oggi ho vinto 920.000 dollari ad una fantomanitca lotteria! Avrei potuto vincere di più .. il montepremi era di 260 milioni di dollari però mi accontento! Pensate che fortuna tra partecipanti di tutto il mondo.. proprio il mio indirizzo e non mi sono mai nemmeno iscritto per partecipare.. ma in fondo si sà che la fortuna è la dea bendata!
Probabilmente festeggerò con gli amici e mi comprerò una casa al mare ed una in montagna! Quindi non so se mi rileggerete su queste pagine.. bé vi ho voluto bene 😉
Scherzi a parte, non fatevi fregare da queste email che vi richiedono tutti i vostri dati! Anche se capisco che è difficile diffidare da una email che arriva da wuuk wuuk!
Ora vi saluto e vado a godermi la mia vincita.. voi invece… State sempre
From: wuuk wuuk <> Subject: YOU HAVE WON,CONGRATULATIONS! WINNING NUMBER: WUNT/0768/SA/2021 Dear Award Winner, We Celebrate our 167th years Annual Anniversary 2021; we rolled out over USD$260, 000, 000, 00 (Two hundred and Sixty Million United State Dollars) for our 167th Anniversary draws. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000,00 company email addresses, and 30,000,00 individual email addresses from over 40 networks from Australia, New Zealand, North America, South America Europe, all Asia and Africa as part of international promotion held in the United Kingdom. We officially Announce to you that your email address has just Won the sum of USD$920.000, 00 (Nine Hundred and twenty Thousand United State Dollars) to begin the verification process of your prize; you should send the required information to the claim agent. The Claim Transferring Agent's Contact Details are as Follows: Name: Massimiliano Alvi Email: Telephone:+447452013369 You should establish contact with the redeeming transferring manager via email or telephone with the particulars presented below for immediate payment to your bank account; please remember to quote your winning file number and your winning transferring identification code in your correspondence to him. Fill the following information's 1. Bank Name:................... 2. Beneficiary:..................... 3. Account Number:.............. 4. Bank Address:..................... 5. Swift Code or Routing Number:............. 6. Your Mobile Telephone Number:........... 7. Date of Birth:...................... 8. Occupation:......................... 9. Country:.............................. 10. Sex:.......................... 11. Alternative email:.................. You will be contacted by western union transferring manager in the next 24hours as soon as you forwarded your required bank account information to him for the transfer. Save time, send money, earn rewards! Western Union is a service people trust. YOUR WINNING TRANSFER IDENTIFICATION CODE (WUNT/0768/UK/2021). © 2008-2021 WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER, INC. All Rights Reserved.