DHL: 2 nuove email pericolose
Questa è la settimana di DHL! Due email malevole stanno circolando sfruttando il nome di DHL.
Entrambe le email sono in inglese, quindi nessuna personalizzazione per il territorio italiano.
La prima ha per soggetto: “Your DHL Express Shipment Request Confirmation” mentre la seconda “DHL Shipment Notification: 1012617429350”.
Già dall’indirizzo email del mittente possiamo capire che il dominio di partenza non è DHL.

Cliccando sull’allegato si apre la pagina htm che ti chiederà utente e password per rubare le tue credenziali di accesso.

Mi raccomando, come sempre, state
Your shipment is ready for delivery. Kindly view the attached file to view shipment details and confirm consignee address correct for express delivery. If you have any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance. Thank you for shipping with DHL Express! DHL Express Delivery The Mail & Logistics Group. 2021 © All rights reserved.
DHL Shipment Notification: 1012617429350 DHL Express Cargo <> = DHL = EXPRESS Hello info, We have attempted to call your office regarding Shipping Documents. The enclosed shipping document is expected to be delivered to you today. CLICK ON THE ATTACHMENT TO DOWNLOAD AND PRINT THE RECEIPT. ------------------------------ -------------------- ------ AWB Number: AWB # 1012617429350 Pickup date: 10/8/2021 Description: Attach ------------------------------ ---- ---------------- ------- Read the attached file for more details. DHL customer service. 2021 © DHL International. All rights reserved.